Welcome to United Eco Solutions

We plant trees, help companies, and more

Sustainability on a global and local scale! We help organisations find their way through the sustainability jungle and value chain, and we plant trees in the Congolese rainforest to combat climate change and poverty in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Helping You Measure,
Reduce, Balance and

Quite uniquely, United Eco Solutions provides a one-stop shop for climate and sustainability services. We work with the model “Measure, reduce, balance and communicate”. This means that we help your company measure and reduce its negative impact within your value chain and balance any residual emissions by financing our reforestation activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in collaboration with our local team and the local communities. Additionally, we support you in communicating your efforts transparently and credibly, helping to strengthen your brand, enhance business opportunities, and inspire further engagement.

Why choose our carbon offsets?

Reduced Carbon Footprint

By purchasing our emission offsets, your business helps to reduce climate change, thereby reducing your own global carbon footprint as well. Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future!

Global Impact

Your purchased carbon sequestration support United Eco Solutions’ efforts to combat climate change and preserve crucial ecosystems, read more under our initiatives.

Sustainable Partnerships

When you choose United Eco Solutions, you’re not just selecting a provider of emission offsets, you’re choosing a sustainability partner. We also assist you in mapping and calculating your emissions locally, along with providing guidance on how you can reduce your own emissions.

Closeness and Transparency

You should be able to feel completely confident that your purchase supports exactly what is communicated by United Eco Solutions. When you choose United Eco Solutions, you’ll get close to the climate projects and can track progress in Congo with updates on our social media channels at least once a week. You’ll also receive tailored information that you can use to communicate about your climate efforts externally and internally.

So, this is how we work in the DRC in case you missed it:

  1. We prepare tree seedlings to plant
  2. Companies contact us to make a positive impact
  3. We use the money for agroforestry activities and raise the income
  4. We also use some of it to improve education, infrastructure, energy and water supply, and more in the areas we work in
  5. The local population creates profits from taking care of the trees and growing agricultural crops – both for their own families and to sell on the market

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development

The population will benefit from the activities in several ways, thereby contributing to 14 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Catching multiple goals with one… stone?!

1. No Poverty

The population will benefit from the activities as it will provide increased incomes in the short, medium and long term.

2. Zero Hunger

The greatly increased and diversified production of agricultural products will both help ending hunger and help the population eat a more diverse diet that will reduce malnutrition.

3. Good Health and Well-Being

The diversified production will contribute to more nutritious food and the increased incomes will help the population to afford a better and healthier diet.

4. Quality Education

The significantly increased incomes for the local population will enhance families’ ability to afford their children’s schooling, including school fees, clothing, school materials, and other necessities. Additionally, we maintain a close collaboration with the Agronomy program in Duma 2 to elevate the quality of their education, incorporating both practical and theoretical elements into our partnership.

5. Gender Equality

The women in the DR Congo traditionally have a very central role in agriculture. By building on these experiences and involving women in decision-making, the activities will contribute to equality between men and women.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

We assist the population in protecting and enhancing their existing water sources while also providing new sources and technology to make water more accessible.

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

By providing solar energy instead of traditional sources like wood, coal, or kerosene, the activities contribute to more affordable and cleaner energy for the local communities.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

The increased incomes for the population will lift the economy for the entire society and thus create economic growth for society as a whole.

9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

In the areas where we operate, major challenges include very poor road infrastructure and inadequate transportation options, which hinder the population’s ability to sell their products. We work with local authorities and the community to overcome these obstacles by ensuring that the roads are passable and by providing transport vehicles.

10. Reduced Inequalities

Our on-site activities also include some simple tasks that allow almost anyone to participate and earn an income for the work done. Even the most vulnerable with the lowest income level and education level and with a disability are included and can thus have an income.

13. Climate Action

The main purpose of the activities is to protect the existing rainforest against deforestation and to plant new trees to sequester carbon dioxide where the rainforest has already been felled.

15. Life on Land

One of our main goals is to protect the existing rainforest and the wildlife there. We plant many different tree species and crops to support biodiversity.

16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Our efforts begin with providing the local population with legal support to establish land ownership. This process helps prevent future conflicts and ensures they receive documents that protect them from potential land claims. Additionally, our inclusive community meetings foster more democratic and participatory societies.

17. Partnership for the Goals

We provide the population with access to high-quality, environmentally friendly technologies. Additionally, we facilitate global collaborations between the local community and various stakeholders, both national and international.

Everything we do is guided by our 5 core values

  • Long-Term Sustainability
  • Proximity
  • Transparency
  • Fairness
  • Collaboration

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